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MONDAY 11AM: Rally, Press Conference at State Capitol Calls on Democrats to Kill AB 398, Says Bill Is a Giveaway to Big Oil Interests

MONDAY 11AM: Rally, Press Conference at State Capitol Calls on Democrats to Kill AB 398, Says Bill Is a Giveaway to Big Oil Interests

Groups Say AB 398 Fails to Aggressively Reduce Carbon Emissions, Throws Poor and Vulnerable Communities Under the Bus

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA On Monday, July 17th, progressive environmental, environmental justice, and social justice leaders from the California-based Courage Campaign, California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA), Food & Water Watch – California, and Climate Hawks Vote will rally on the north steps of the State Capitol urging members of the California Legislature to vote NO on Assembly Bill 398.  The State Legislature is scheduled to vote on AB 398 later in the day.

WHEN:  Monday, July 17th. 11:00am – 12:00pm PT
WHERENorth Steps of California State Capitol.  1315 10th Street. Sacramento, CA.
  • Eddie Kurtz, Courage Campaign
  • Brent Newell, The Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment
  • RL Miller, Climate Hawks Vote
  • Adam Scow, Food & Water Watch – California
PARTICIPATING GROUPS INCLUDE: Courage Campaign; California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA); Food & Water Watch – California; the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment (CRPE); and Climate Hawks Vote;

Progressive organizations, community leaders, and policy experts believe that the bill, which would extend California’s landmark cap-and-trade system for carbon from 2020 to 2030, is stuffed with giveaways to Chevron and other corporate polluters that will hurt California’s vulnerable and low-income communities, while sacrificing the State’s position as a global climate leader.  

“California can help ensure the world is still a liveable place for our grandchildren and great grandchildren, but only if we demonstrate the necessary leadership. We must reduce carbon emissions as aggressively as possible and do so without throwing our most vulnerable communities under the bus,” explained Eddie Kurtz, executive director of the California-based Courage Campaign. â€śDemocrats in California must find the courage to reject the selfish, short-term priorities of corporate polluters, their well-paid lobbyists, and their aggressive PACs. Rather, they must boldly champion a climate policy that protects all Californians and models success for the world. We can do this, but not with AB398.”

“Environmental justice must be at the heart of climate policy.  Instead, AB 398 is a bill written by and for Big Oil that sacrifices California communities for low-cost ‘compliance’ elsewhere while Governor Brown and legislative leaders refuse reasonable amendments to finally provide environmental justice,” added Brent Newell, Legal Director of the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment.

“AB 398 began as a Big Oil wish list, and it hasn’t improved since then.  The climate crisis demands a moral response, not another round of compromised politics. While we appreciate the governor’s desire to extend cap and trade, we suggest that he’s better off talking to the authors of SB 775 and/or tearing up this draft and starting again next year, with a bill that will put Californians’ health first,” said RL Miller, president of Climate Hawks Vote.

“While the urgency to transition off of fossil fuels and rapidly reduce emissions is becoming more urgent, AB 398 would send California’s climate policy backwards. Drafted in consultation with the oil lobby, this polluter friendly bill must be defeated by the State legislature to secure California’s leadership on fighting climate change,” concluded Adam Scow, California Director of Food & Water Watch.


Courage California, formerly Courage Campaign, works to unite communities organizing for progressive change, fight the forces of corruption, and hold our representatives to account in order to ensure that California’s elected officials act with courage. Our community of members envision California as a model of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy that sets the standard for our country.


Angela Chavez