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It’s time for Dianne Feinstein to pick a side on the filibuster

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Joe Garofoli | San Francisco Chronicle

Sen. Dianne Feinstein can’t hide anymore. She is about to feel the heat for not opposing the filibuster β€” and much of the pressure will come from fellow California Democrats.

[…] The heat is growing because several Democratic priorities are heading to the Senate β€” including gun control, police accountability and a sprawling bill called HR1, aimed partly at keeping Republicans in many states from making it harder for people to vote. Those bills will go nowhere in the Senate as long as Republicans can jam them by invoking the filibuster β€” but to do away with it, Democrats will need every one of their 50 senators onboard.

[…] Joining Indivisible is the 1.4 million-member liberal activist group Courage California, whose online petition drive demands that Feinstein ditch the filibuster so the Senate can pass HR1. She will also start feeling pressure from MoveOn, the 10 million-member liberal organization, which is planning a campaign to target senators who oppose reforming the filibuster.