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Courage Campaign: California Voters Score Major Wins Against Big Monied, Corporate Interests in Key Ballot Measures

CONTACT:  Brett Abrams | 516-841-1105 |

Courage Campaign: California Voters Score Major Wins Against Big Monied, Corporate Interests in Key Ballot Measures

Statement from Eddie Kurtz, executive director of the California-based Courage Campaign, on the passage of Prop 56 and Prop 67 and the defeat of Prop 65:

“Last night, California voters rejected the big monied, corporate interests attempting to pervert our State’s tradition of direct democracy and in doing so pushed forward major investments that boost the health and well being of the people of California. Despite being vastly outspent by some of the biggest corporations in the country — the tobacco lobby, and the plastics/petroleum industry — California voters proved that organized people power can defeat even the most dishonest, manipulative corporate propaganda.

“Taken together, the passage of these ballot measures — as well as Prop 55 — provide nearly $11 billion in additional funding for schools, community colleges and healthcare programs, they triple the funding for California’s tobacco control and research programs, expand healthcare for low-income residents, and protect our State’s’ waterways and environment from plastic bag pollution.

“Coming off one of the most progressive legislative sessions in the history of California, the passage of Props 56 & 67 and the defeat of Prop 65, reaffirm that California voters stand on the side of progress, and are proud of a California that provides a progressive model for other states in our country to follow.”

Earlier this year, Courage Campaign released its 2016 Progressive Voter Guide detailing recommendations for how progressives in the State should vote on each of the 17 statewide ballot measures.  The 2016 Progressive Voter Guide was a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide that compiled a list of endorsements from California’s most trusted progressive groups and organizations.  Courage Campaign promoted the guide with paid ads on Facebook reaching more than 2.7 million California voters with its recommendations.  Specifically, Courage Campaign recommended:

â—Ź       Voting No on an attempt to block major infrastructure projects (Prop 53)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on a tax on the wealthy to fund education and healthcare (Prop 55)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on a tax on tobacco to fund healthcare research (Prop 56)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on a reform to California’s parole and juvenile trial system (Prop 57)
â—Ź       Voting Yes to restore bilingual education (Prop 58)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on overturning Citizens United (Prop 59)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on reduced pharmaceutical drug prices for Californians (Prop 61)
â—Ź       Voting Yes to end the death penalty (Prop 62)
â—Ź       Voting Yes to protect Californians from gun violence (Prop 63)
â—Ź       Voting Yes to end the prohibition of marijuana (Prop 64)
â—Ź       Voting No on an “environmental” fund fee that could be used to overturn California’s ban on plastic bags (Prop 65)
â—Ź       Voting No to speed up the death penalty (Prop 66)
â—Ź       Voting Yes on a referendum to ban single-use grocery bags (Prop 67)

For more information, or to speak with someone from Courage Campaign about what these measures mean for California, please contact Brett Abrams at 516-841-1105 or by email at

# # # # # fights for a more progressive California and country. We are an online community powered by more than 1.3 million members.

Courage California, formerly Courage Campaign, works to unite communities organizing for progressive change, fight the forces of corruption, and hold our representatives to account in order to ensure that California’s elected officials act with courage. Our community of members envision California as a model of progressive, equitable, and truly representative democracy that sets the standard for our country.


Angela Chavez