Courage California has announced its dual endorsements of Leticia Munguia and Dr. Akilah Weber for California Assembly District 79 primary runoff, set for April 6. Munguia and Dr. Weber are running to fill Dr. Shirley Weber’s vacant seat following her historic Secretary of State appointment.
Based on Munguia and Dr. Weber’s proven records as community leaders, Courage California is confident that both candidates would co-govern in the interests of all Californians.
“One of the great things about California is that voters have a wide choice of leaders that embody values of equity and justice, and the special election for Assembly District 79 is a prime example of that,” said Irene Kao, Executive Director of Courage California. “Leticia Munguia and Dr. Akilah Weber both represent the type of leadership our communities need in Sacramento, leadership that will work for the overdue reforms Californians deserve and have been asking for. Instead of Courage California backing just one of these incredible leaders of color, we concluded that it is in the best interest of the people to issue a dual endorsement — so voters in AD79 can learn about each of the candidates’ track-records as leaders, and confidently vote their values when they fill out their ballot.”
“Munguia and Dr. Weber’s experience and values represent the courageous leadership we need to bring California closer to having a government that is more equitable, just, and accountable to the people — as opposed to special interests,” said Kao.
Leticia Munguia and Dr. Akilah Weber will be running for a seat previously held by Dr. Shirley Weber, who had a lifetime Courage Score of 93 and a proven track record of governing in the interests of her constituents and for all Californians across the state, especially those in historically underserved communities.
Residents of Assembly District 79, which includes East San Diego, Bonita, Chula Vista, La, Mesa, Lemon Grove, and National City, are encouraged to visit Courage California’s 2021 Special Election Voter Guide to learn about the organization’s two endorsed candidates: Leticia Munguia and Dr. Akilah Weber.
The Courage California Voter Guide and endorsement comes ahead of the Special Election primary on April 6, 2021. To learn more about the Courage California Voter Guide visit,