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2023 California Legislative Recap: the Winners, the Losers, and the Opportunities

The 2022-23 California legislative session may have come to an end, and in our guest’s opinion, was an “epic fail” – but the people still have opportunities to impact change in our communities, by urging Gov. Newsom to sign key legislation and voting for transformative ballot measures in the upcoming 2024 election. 

Jay Hockley Sr., a community organizer at Initiate Justice, joins Irene Kao, Executive Director of Courage California, to discuss the fate of important 2023 public safety bills he advocated for, the opportunities Californians still have to push some key policies forward, and his thoughts on the future of criminal justice and public safety in our state, and at the local level.

2023 California Legislative Recap: the Winners, Losers, and Opportunities

October 03, 2023

With You, fashioned in Courage, We Can create a California that represents and serves us all.

Courage California’s 2023 Priority Bill list:

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